Flash As 3.0 "Jet Game"


I Made a new game "Jet Game" by using Action Script 3.0 and I have used my team for design, If you have time to check it, please go through follwoing link and give me suggestions and feedback:


K Swamy Vishnubhatla.

How to Save a File from Falsh As 3.0 (File Refference In As 3.0)


Here I am writing about save a file from Flash by using Action Script 3.0. Already I have write a post for Filerefference in depth, you can follow that post

and here just I am writing explination about example

To do this First Create a button in Flash and name as "saveFileBut", and create input text filed and name as "myText" and copy and paste following code in

first frame.

var saveFile:FileReference = new FileReference();
saveFileBut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, saveMyFile);

function saveMyFile(e:MouseEvent): void {

In above code first line we are creating a filerefference object "saveFile" and in second line we are writing listener to button and calling function

"saveMyFile" in this funtion we are saving text written in "myTex" as text file.

For More Information on File Refference you can go through link:

K Swamy Vishnubhatla.

How to Load File by browse in Falsh As 3.0 (File Refference In As 3.0)


Here I am writing about "File Refference" Concept in Flash Action Script 3.0.

We can use "File Refference class" to "Save or create", "upload" and "browse and load" file "from or to" flash.

This example for "browse and load" using As 3.0.

Note: It will work on "Flash Player 10 and later versions" only and you are "not able get path" of file because Adobe remove this feature for security

purpose. (Flash player 10 avail in Flash Cs4 and later versions).

To follow this example first create a button with name "imgLoad" and Copy below code:

var fileRef:FileReference= new FileReference();
imgLoad.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onButtonClick);

function onButtonClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
    fileRef.browse([new FileFilter("All Files (*.swf,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.gif,*.png,*.tif)","*.swf;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png;*.tif")]);
    fileRef.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onFileSelected);

function onFileSelected(e:Event):void {
    fileRef.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onFileLoaded);

function onFileLoaded(event:Event)
    //loader object containing image data
    var loader:Loader = new Loader();


In above code first line "var fileRef:FileReference= new FileReference();" creating File refference object. Second line We adding listener to button

"imgLoad" to browse file.

In "onButtonClick" function we are written "fileRef.browse" to browse file. We have mentioned here load "swf,jpg,jpeg,gif,png,tif" files only we can load by

adding fileter in browse. We have freedom to write extensions :).

"fileRef.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onFileSelected)" Line will excecute slect a file and click on open. And it will call funciton "onFileSelected". In

this function we will load file into flash and after loading it will call to function "onFileLoaded".

In "onFileLoaded" function we are adding image into stage from Loader data.

For More Information on File Refference you can go through link:

K Swamy Vishnubhatla.

Moving Object usning key board in Flash AS 3.0


Here I am writing about Moving object to front and back like car moment, so, here user can move object to front or back only and he can rotate :).

To do this we should need to know "Finding Keyboard Key Code", "converting degrees to radinas","Use of Math.cos,Math.sin trigonometry functions".

Object Moving Formula:

radians = angle * Math.PI / 180;
vx = Math.cos(radians) * speed;
vy = Math.sin(radians) * speed;

In above code "obj" is object which one trying to move,  "angle" is a variable it contains rotation of object in degrees, "radians" contains rotation of object in radians.

"vx" is velocity in x direction of object, "vy" is velocity in y direction of object.

To convert degrees to radians we have to use formula " radinas=degrees*Math.PI/180".

I have used same formula to find "obj" rotation in radians.

Upto here you learn how to find velocity of object. Now we can write code to move object depends upon the key board.

To process a function when key press in Key board, we should use "KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN".

var keyleft,keyright,keyup,keydown:Boolean=false;

stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, down);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, up);
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);

function down(event:KeyboardEvent)




function up(event:KeyboardEvent)




Following are key codes for left,right,up,down Keys:

left=37, right=39, up=39, down=40

So, following code for when you press "Left Key" then "keyleft" boolean variable will be true, same for right,up,down keys.

Folliwng code for movement object when "leftkey or rightkey or upkey or downkey" are "true":

var angle,radians,vx,vy=0;
var speed=2;
function loop(event:Event)
radians = angle * Math.PI / 180;
vx = Math.cos(radians) * speed;
vy = Math.sin(radians) * speed;



obj.x += vx;
obj.y += vy;

obj.x -= vx;
obj.y -= vy;

Just copy and paste following codes into your flash document in first frame, and create a movieclip object with name "myObj", then you will get out put.

I hope you all enjoy......... :)

K sWamy Vishnubhatla,

As3 Tween Class and Easing Class


In action script tween class was verry important for programmers, because programmers can do animation without designers help :)

Here I am describing about basics of tween class in as3.

To use tween class we should need to import two classes into file, those are


import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing;

Now you can use "tween" functions otherwise it will show error :)

To animate movie clip "obj" in "x" direction from "250" to "500" withing 1 secon we have to write following code:

var objTween:Tween = new Tween(obj, "x", Elastic.easeOut, 250, 500, 1, true);

Here "ObjTween" is a Tween variable, by using this we can control tween animation, I mean we can stop,extends animation, start animation and reverse animation.

In above code "x" indicates x-direction, "Elastic.easeOut" it's type of animation. we can use several types like "Elastic.easeIn", "Regular.easeOut", "Regular.easeIn" etc...

"250,500" intimates "from" and "to" positions. ",1" intimates time period.

We can write events for it, we can run a function, when tween start or when tween end, when tween change, etc..

To write we need to import class "import fl.transitions.TweenEvent".

objTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, motionFinish);

function motionFinish(event:TweenEvent)
    trace("motion finished");

Total Code:

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing;
var objTween:Tween = new Tween(obj, "x", Elastic.easeOut, 250, 500, 1, true);
objTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, motionFinish);
function motionFinish(event:TweenEvent)
    trace("motion finished");

If u need more assistance u can find here:

Tween Class: http://www.adobe.com/livedocs/flash/9.0/ActionScriptLangRefV3/fl/transitions/Tween.html

Easing Class: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/ActionScriptLangRefV3/fl/transitions/easing/package-detail.html